Monday, June 8, 2009

Los Tuneles

So continuing with this game of catch up, on June sixth we ventured out early in the morning to Los Tuneles. On the one hour boat ride over we saw the ginormous manta rays in the water at least 2.5m in wingspan. The hype on this place was so big we just had to go. It was a little bit different than I had thought it would be but it lived up to the hype. I had pictured the entrance being the opening of a cave and the boat we were in having to ride a wave into the cave. So it wasn't a cave but it was amazing. We did have to kind of ride the waves a little bit, but on the side of the wave drifitng with it rather than something like a surfer riding the white waters. That was a big relief. There were two snorkeling areas we visited. In the first one we swam with so many sea turtles i had never thought it would be possible to do in my lifetime. The fishes were as always, amazing. Damsel fish, Parrot fish, Mexican Hog fish, Razor surgeon fish...the list just keeps going. When we went over to the second snorkeling spot we saw even more amazing sights. This spot was where the name Los Tuneles came from. The rocks have eroded away over time to create theses natural bridges. As we entered with the boat (which was a ridicualously insane idea, the captain had awesome skills to navigatearound the rocks) we saw a huge sea turtle that was completely visible and then a spotted eagle ray. Under the water you can swim through the holes or tunnels if you can hold your breath long enough. I know I couldn't, but I tried.

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